Research groups CERMAA, ICONEA and IReMus are seeking papers for the third issue of NEMO. The theme will be about ‘Instrumental facture from its sources in the Ancient Near East to modern times.'
All aspects of Organology will be considered such as:
- Instrument making in pre-history as an unconscious cognitive phenomenon
- Distinction between implement and instrument
- Sensorial analogy in the conceptualisation of musical instruments
- Instruments and totemism
- Instruments and worship
- Instruments as urban and commercial tools
- Earliest evidence of musical facture
- Organological evidence: material, glues and their making, hides, strings, woods, metals, etc.
- Recorded instrument makers, source of materials, etc.
From Christianity, Islam to modern:
- Evolution
- Prohibitions
- Influences
Is there a relationship between instruments and gender?
The Editing Board will consider the publication of papers which might be 'off subject' as long as they retain some relationship with the wider theme of the publication.
Deadlines: proposals by end of June 2015 and finalized paper by end of August 2015.