vendredi 25 octobre 2019

"Music and Metadata:The Musiconis Database and FAB-Musiconis Project" par Susan Boynton

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la conférence "Music and Metadata: The Musiconis Database and FAB-Musiconis Project" de Susan Boynton (Columbia University, New York). 

Cette conférence se tiendra le 29 octobre 2019 à 13h en salle 203 de la Bibliothèque Butler de la Columbia University (New York). 

Abstract : The Musiconis ( database presents and analyzes medieval visual representations of musical performances (featuring instrumental musicians, singers, and dancers) in artworks from the 8th to the 16th century. A metabase, Musiconis imports records from existing databases, such as Gothic Ivories, and adds the music-related metadata that is frequently either absent or inaccurate. Musiconis is structured around the ontology of a musical scene, so searches can be based on actions (how an instrument is being played) in addition to the name of the instrument. The database came out of a long-term project that brought together Paris-based music historians and art historians in the study of medieval images of music. In 2016, Columbia joined the Paris team for FAB-Musiconis, a three-year transatlantic exchange involving graduate students and faculty. Graduate student participants learned how to create and edit records in the Musiconis metabase; an engineer improved functionality in real time during working sessions. The Columbia University Libraries supported the project through excellent seminars on metadata, digital humanities seminars, guidance on learning outcomes, and access to spaces and collections. 

Nous vous invitons à visiter le site internet de l'évènement : Tech Innovations Forum 2019.

mardi 22 octobre 2019

"Musiconis : la musique médiévale occidentale par les images et les sons" Conférence de Frédéric Billiet

Conférence de Frédéric BILLIET le mercredi 24 octobre à 18h30.

Musiconis : la musique médiévale occidentale par les images et les sons

Université préfectorale des arts d'Aichi (愛知県立芸術大学 ; Aïchi kenritsu Geijutsu Daigaku)

Retour sur le Symposium d'iconographie musicale du 20 septembre (Tunisie)

Le 20 septembre dernier, l'équipe Musiconis eut le plaisir d'intervenir lors du Symposium d'iconographie musicale organisé par le CMAM au Palais Ennjma Ezzahra à Sidi Bou Said (Tunisie).

vendredi 17 mai 2019

Liturgy of Empire: The Reception of the Mozarabic Rite in Early Modern Europe

Nous avons le plaisir de vous informer que Susan Boynton (Columbia University) donnera une conférence au Reid Hall.

le 22 mai 2019 de 19h à  20h30

4, rue de Chevreuse, 75006 Paris

Liturgy of Empire: The Reception of the Mozarabic Rite in Early Modern Europe

Entrée gratuite. Lien pour les réservations et accès :

Colloque de Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert, vendredi 24 mai 2019

vendredi 15 février 2019

Sacred Mountains. Abrahamic Religions and Musical Practices in the Mediterranean Area: An Audiovisual Journey

Invitation de notre partenaire Columbia University / Musicologie Sorbonne Université

Sacred Mountains. Abrahamic Religions and Musical Practices in the Mediterranean Area: An Audiovisual Journey

February 18, 2019
7:00 PM - 9:00 PM
4, rue de Chevreuse, 75006 Paris

Screening and discussion of a documentary by Nicola Scaldaferri (LEAV, Italy, 2017, 38')
Cosponsored by the Institute for Ideas and Imagination
Sacred Mountains explores the role of music practices as a way of prayer and participation, and the importance of sound in shaping and giving meaning to places. The narrative is shaped around three episodes, each devoted to a different event, following the usual moments of a pilgrimage.
The Ascent: on the occasion of Shavuot, the Israelite Samaritans go to pray on Mount Gerizim, in the West Bank, where their sacred places are located. The Feast: in August, members of the brotherhood of the Bektashi climb Mount Tomorr, in Albania, where they pray near the tombs of dede, and practice the kurban (a sacrificial slaughtering of a sheep, whose meat is consumed by each participating family). The Descent: in early September, the miraculous statue of the Black Madonna of Viggiano, Queen of Lucania, in Italy, "descends" into the village for a festival.

Nicola Scaldaferri is Associate Professor in the Department of Cultural Heritage and Environment at the University of Milan, Italy, where he founded and directs the Laboratory of Ethnomusicology and Visual Anthropology. He has done extensive ethnomusicological research in Italy, Albania, and Burkina-Faso, as well as research on electroacoustic in 20th century music. Prof. Scaldaferri received his Ph.D. in musicology from the University of Bologna and a degree in Composition from the Conservatory of Parma; he was a Fulbright scholar at Harvard University and a Visiting Professor at St. Petersburg State University.

mercredi 6 février 2019

18e congrès international de l’association DANSES MACABRES D’EUROPE

18e congrès international de l’association DANSES MACABRES D’EUROPE

19-23 mars 2019

École du Louvre / Institut de France / Bibliothèque Mazarine / Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève

En lien avec l’exposition « Le livre & la mort (14e - 18e siècle) » (Bibliothèque Mazarine et Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève).

Programme du congrès  :

vendredi 25 janvier 2019

dimanche 6 janvier 2019

Programme du séminaire "L’iconographie musicale et l’art occidental"

Session hors-cycle du séminaire "L’iconographie musicale et l’art occidental"

Dans le cadre du projet FAB-Musiconis (Sorbonne-Université/Columbia University), 
une session hors-cycle est organisé à la Sorbonne
 54 rue Saint-Jacques, salle Pirro (J 326)
Coordination : Frédéric Billiet (IReMus), Susan Boynton (Columbia University)

Pour cette séance, réservation obligatoire avant le 8 janvier 2019 :

Mercredi 9 janvier 2018, 15h-17h

Alice Tacaille (Paris, Institut de recherche en musicologie-UMR 8223)
A la recherche d’un musicien : le triptyque du musée de Cluny

Kate Maxwell (Tromsø, Musikkonservatoriet Universitet i Tromsø)
Guillaume de Machaut and the multimodal performance of the page

Sarina Kuersteiner (Columbia University, Department of History)
Playing the Vielle in a Monstrance-Signum : Notarial Culture in
Medieval Bologna, 1260-1330